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Facilities at Lugano Care Home


  • Country Gardens and Terrace, with Panoramic Views

  • Home Cooked Meals

  • Social Acitivites

  • Open visiting hours

  • Hairdressing, Chiropody and Beautician Services available

  • Passenger Lift

  • Internet and Wifi access for Residents

  • Dedicated Resident telephone line

  • Beautiful location near Epping Forest


Country Gardens


Our beautiful country gardens are an extension of the home in summer time and we make good use of this tranquil environment as often as possible. Although we have a very busy social calendar and hold regular barbeques and garden parties, the gardens can also be a quiet haven away from the hustle and bustle of life. Lunch can be taken on the terrace under shade and visitors are always welcome. 



All meals are freshly prepared and made with high quality produce which is sourced locally and delivered to our door by the Butcher, Fishmonger and Greengrocer. Menus are reviewed by the residents of Lugano Care Home at our community meetings to ensure variety and choice. On Fridays we have fresh fish delivered from a local fishmongers KC Fisheries . Mealtimes are flexible and breakfast in bed is available upon request. Menus are on display by the entrance and on the notice board.



Our Social Calendar


Social events taking place this year (by popular demand)  includes barbeques, garden parties, cheese and wine quiz nights, physical exercise classes, and outings such as a day trip to Southend for fish and chips by the seaside, to name a few. See our Social Calendar on the notice board for details.



Families and Friends Welcome


Upon admission to Lugano Care Home, we welcome the maintenance of relationships with the service user’s friends and relatives. We have an open house policy and relatives enjoy occasional meals with us. We ask that all visitors record their entrance and exit in the visitors book provided on the table by the front door.



Therapeutic Services


A number of external agents visit us on a regular basis, and all residents have access to their services. These include optician, hairdresser, beautician, chiropodist etc. Other appointments that access healthcare services such as GP and dentist are made externally, unless medical services are needed in an emergency, when GPs will attend the premises. When external appointments are required it is company policy for Service Users to be accompanied, whenever possible, by a family member and for all transport/taxi costs to be met by the Service User. We may also access NHS Direct for advice relating to personal health issues.



Passenger Lift


Our passenger lift is in keeping with the period of the Home and can accommodate up to 3 persons, accessing all floors. 


Telephone and Wi-Fi


We have hand free telephone sets which are easily available for our residents to use. Residents can also choose to have a telephone line installed in their room. We also have an iPad and iPhone for communal use which can be used to contact relatives abroad or for on-line shopping, etc.

Our Home

The entrance to Lugano Care Home

Our Buckhurst Hill care home
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